Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Marley's first tooth and first lobster

We made it home last night after a 13-hour drive. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. Figuring it would take all day anyway, we stopped several places along the way, including for lunch at a restaurant right on the ocean in Portsmouth. That's where Marley ate her first lobster (in small amounts), and we noticed that her first tooth is poking through!
It was great seeing eveyrone on Sunday.
Jonathan is a little angel. Or three little angels.


AD said...

Glad you made it home okay. A tooth already?!?!

Matt DeRienzo said...

Yes, you can feel it right in the center of her mouth on the bottom. I think that's why she was so damn crabby all weekend, if that makes Mom feel any better.

Anonymous said...

Well, Matt. I'm okay with it. I figure that she'll outgrow being afraid of me. After all - no one else is! :) Mom

No wonder Matthew loves firetrucks. It's in his genes!