Alright, here's the deal... How am I supposed to know when I am getting married? Do you all think that I have this grand scheme about making everything line up just right, planning every last detail and only waiting for the exact moment set aside? Don't you all know that I am a free spirit; spontaneous, footloose and fancy free? 3 Months... maybe... 3 years... perhaps... old man... unlikely. When it does happen, you all will be the first to know. Oh, and by the way, I am bringing dinner this Wednesday so I hope you like pizza... or maybe Chinese.
7:10 pm????????
Mr. Military Man! :)
For what it's worth, David, my advice is to wait as long as possible. Enjoy your freedom. It's OK if you're an old man. Why do you think they invented Viagra?
Well, David. Seems to me that in spite of the fact that you say you are a "free spirit," you had this idea that you were getting married in October of this year. Wasn't that it? I'm pretty sure it was. And you didn't even have any idea then who it was going to be! Now you know - so what are you waiting for?!!
..... One more thing. You have ripped Scripture out of context here. When Jesus said those words, He wasn't saying we couldn't know anything about the time of His return. He gave us definite things to watch for in that regard. He didn't say we couldn't know the general time from - just he day and hour. We've not asked for that... yet. Just the general time frame would be nice! :)
I agree with Matt on this one. Sorry mom. Marriage is NOTHING to rush into. A Lifetime sure is a long time. It's only been ten years for me, I can't even imagine a lifetime but I know its a long time!!!
Did David say October of 2007??? I think you may be mistaken... oh but the leaves sure are pretty.
Sometimes 10 years can seem like a lifetime.
Wow... Didn't realize this question would invoke so much passion! I thought Mom's response was hilarious, and I was certainly surprised by it. I can see where David gets his wittiness! Dave, the survey was meant more as a joke than something to put you on the spot or pressure you into marriage! I myself have not come to the place of certainty with "the right time" and also believe it is nothing to be entered into lightly. Its hard enough sometimes to make short term day to day decisions. Jumping into "forever", making decisions that will effect you for the rest of your life, is certainly not something that should be done quickly or lightly. I think this has been a fun exercise, but I hope that you will follow your own sense of what is going to be right for your life, and take the time you need to eliminate any uncertainty before jumping. Every relationship (unless its REALLY bad) seems like "the right one" initially, whether it lasts a day, a week, or a year. The true test is time which allows us to truly know the person that we are with, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and it is only then that we know "its time" if we still love them in the capacity that we did when it was new. Time robs a relationship of the thrill and excitement of falling in love, and the "passion" may not be the same. But if you can look across the table after years of loving someone and say "this person is my best friend, and I want to spend my life with them", I think you have found it. In my world, the term "partner" is used often to describe a relationship, and I think this term is appropriate to describe what marriage should be. Someone who you work together with toward the same goals, share the load, support and promote one another, share the same idealogies and long term desires, compliment each other's personalities and are in essence a "team". If a business partnership is successful, you see results in terms of what they are able to accomplish and produce. In my opinion, marriage works the same way. Good partnerships are fruitful and productive. Bad ones go out of business.
So... I got the preaching ability from NEBC, and I'm sorry for the soap box lecture! :)
Isn't it interesting? Bet you never knew your family cared that much! Thanks, Ami, for a nice way to express that. Who would have figured? A BLOG! Sure doesn't sound like such a warm fuzzy word, does it?! But here we have this medium to express our concerns and care for one another. :-) Now.... adding a bit to what Ami said - marriage isn't always (often, usually) what people think it's supposed to be. Maybe that's the reason so many end in divorce. What I mean is, they bring their expectations into it, and when it doesn't meet those expectations, they figure they've married the "wrong" person. Maybe it's not so much "finding" the right person as it is in "being" the right person. You know, God has His own purposes in those relationships. His purpose is to conform us to HIS image. Sometimes (often, usually) that takes conflict and pain - and it often comes through the trials of the marriage relationship - learning to love the UNlovely. After all... isn't that what GOD is all about? Sooooooo... what's your goal in life? Is it to be conformed to the image of Christ? If so, marrying the "wrong" person could be involved. Of course, not many people go IN to marriage thinking they're marrying the wrong person, but some think so afterward. In any case, God is sovereign and has His purposes in it all. And He LOVES us. So I say to both you and Kristen: don't be so concerned with whether or not you are marrying the "right" person; concern yourself with simply following HIM, and He will lead you. And He will do what is needed to conform you both to His image - maybe using each other to help that process along. :)
For the record Ami... I'm not sure ALL of your preaching ability came from New England Bible College. I think some of it is hereditary. :)
One other thing (for now): marriage isn't really a FOREVER kind of decision. It's just for THIS life. What really IS forever is how we handle what this life brings to us. It's the invisible, internal things that last forever. It's our relationship to Him.
I think we're emphasizing the wrong things. Rather than stressing the scared-of-marriage reasons to wait, David, you should be dwelling on the benefits-of-not-marriage side of things.
If you do stay married, the non-married part is going to be a tiny, tiny fraction of your life. That's why you need to live it up while you can.
Wow, I don't know who to listen to; Dr. Phil, Dr. Dobson or Woody Allen.
None of the above. Listen to me. LIFE. NO CHANCE OF TIME OFF FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR.
You might want to be a little more selective about what you say here since there are some little girls that also view this blog. I'm sure you wouldn't say some of those things in their presence. - Mom
Oh this family sucks. Anyway Dana, don't get married just to get married, I almost got married to your psycho friend so I understand but still. Anyway i find it amusing that u are getting married soon
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