Marley was so funny at suppertime. We decided to feed her what we were eating. Roast chicken, sweet potato, peas and cranberry sauce. Before I got to the table your father had fed her several spoonfuls of sweet potato and had given her a little bit of the cranberry sauce. He also cut up some of the chicken and put it in front of her. I had tried giving her peas before, and she really didn't want anything to do with them. Well.... tonight was different. Once peas were put in front of her on the table, she wouldn't eat anything else. She'd pick them up - one at a time, and put them in her mouth. If she got anything else in her hand -like chicken or sweet potato, she'd toss it behind her onto the floor. But she was feverishly shoving as many peas as she could get into her mouth. She was going so fast it was comical. Near the end, though, she must have been getting tired because more was ending up on the floor and in her lap than anywhere else. But she refused to let us feed her any. She was going to do it herself, or it wasn't going to be done! She DOES like to be in control!
- From Mom's Daily Report
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