Friday, September 14, 2007

Just a few more years

I already told several of you Wednesday night, but for those who didn't hear I am staying in the Army. I am accepting a commission to become a Chaplain. As you can see, Kristen fully approves of the move and I'm glad because I think it is the right thing to do. I didn't really loathe my time overseas and I kept saying to myself "man, this would be soooo much better if I was doing the work of a Chaplain." So if I do go over again, which is not possible until I am through their candidate program 3 or 4 years from now, it will be doing what I actually think I should be doing. Anyway, thought I'd pass it on. Out here.


Matt DeRienzo said...

Congratulations, Dave. Good for you.

grace2u said...

Hey, did anyone ever tell you that you two look alike?!! Kristen has a rounder face than you, but otherise there seems to be quite a resemblance. Mom

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

No wonder Matthew loves firetrucks. It's in his genes!